I’ve always believed in God. Growing up we said our blessings and prayed before bed. It wasn’t until recently that I actually started praying on a daily basis (and during the Holidays more like hourly!) One thing I’ve always asked God, is “What is my purpose?” I’ve prayed this for years but never really knew what my future would look like. One night, when connecting with my closest friends, we asked each other, “If you could do anything, what would it be?” I had a feeling of conviction so strong in my heart that I said, “ I want to start a business that gives a portion of its sales to help human trafficking victims.” Just like that… something inside me shifted and I started my journey and followed my heart.

     When I started creating my morning habits, I made it a point pray after I write down what I’m grateful for. I ask for guidance. I pray for my friends, family, customers, opportunities and relationships.

     Praying has given me a sense of peace that I normally wouldn’t have. When the pandemic hit I was given a choice - pray for guidance or freak out! I let go of what I couldn’t control and prayed for guidance. When the world felt like it was falling apart, I felt the most together. 

     The power of prayer has taken me to a place where I feel connected, known, loved, and cared for.