Working out provides a huge boost for my mental health and is a fun way for me to stay grounded. This year I have been training using a program developed by Melissa Wood Teppenberg. Her online classes are wonderful and keep me really motivated. Her low impact pilates and yoga work outs can be done in 20 minutes or less and are the perfect way to start my day. Even when I don’t feel like working out I always love my energy afterwards. Melissa is an inspiration and reminder to keep coming back to this healthy place.
Being in nature is also an important part of my day. I noticed this vividly after I got my dog, Biff. Walking him twice a day became part of my routine and has proven to be a huge blessing. Getting outside and taking a morning walk to the beach, or park to throw the ball, helps clear my head. Simply inhaling the fresh air and taking in my surroundings is incredibly healing. Try to fit in something physical and work up a little sweat. Get outside and soak up the noises you hear and colors you see… I’d love to know how that makes you feel!