Meet Our Founder: Amanda Meyer

Meet Our Founder: Amanda Meyer

In celebration of International Women’s Day, we took the chance to sit down with our founder Amanda and chat about what being a woman means to her, who inspires her, and what she hopes Elia Parfum can do to elevate women everywhere.

This is the first in a series of profiles we will be launching every month to highlight a different woman—no matter where they come from or what they’re doing, we believe in celebrating inspiring women from all walks of life. Because, we don’t need a holiday to tell us how amazing women are.

1 - Historically, women and their identities have been defined by others rather than themselves. As things shift and society progresses, tell us how you define what it means to be a woman.

Being a woman today is about having a voice and using it. Taking our fears and passions and using those to fuel our actions and choices. I love being a woman and growing up in a radical time of change, progression, and the fight for equality.

2 - There’s so much societal pressure as a woman to do it all—in fact, we are all probably our own harshest critics. What does “doing it all” mean to you and how do you manage all the “to-dos” on your list?

I’ll be the first to admit I can’t do it all. However, I grew up watching a mother who did do it all and, to this day, makes it look so easy. Whether you’re more like my mom or more like me, I think the most important take away is that you don’t need to do it all….and having peace in that!

3 - Tell us about a female role model in your life.

Hands down, my mother! She is the funniest, most creative, and life-loving woman I know. I love her zest for life and how she always makes you feel special when you’re around her. My mother started her own business when my sister and I were younger, and she showed us how to put value into people rather than things. My mother is strong yet nurturing, funny, charismatic, and I’m honored every time I hear someone say that I’m turning into her. It couldn’t be a bigger compliment!

4 - What’s a word or advice someone shared with you that has fundamentally impacted the way you approach your life? 

“Give more than your take.” In a world where it’s become all about what you can get, I’ve taken a step back to define where my happiness comes from—what I believe to be the fundamental basis of happiness is generosity. So, I wanted to create a company that gives back and helps other women see their value and worth.

5 - Tell us about Elia Parfum and what inspired you to launch your company?

I wanted to create a company that not only made women smell amazing, but to also feel their best knowing that 10% of their purchase is donated to help fight, rescue, and restore victims of human trafficking. In today’s society, we are often motivated by money and success, but what if we equated success with helping others, potentially saving a life, or creating a positive change in society? What if that was our primary motivation instead? We could do so much more good and, in turn, I think we would all be so much happier.

6 - As a female entrepreneur, what words of advice would you give to other women who are thinking about launching a business of their own?

Know your worth! As a female entrepreneur I want to be a cheerleader and encourage women at any age or walk in life to follow their dreams and live the life they’re passionate about. But, to be successful, you must believe in yourself, your ideas, and your product!  

7 - Scent has the power to really transport us to different times and places. Tell us about some scents that trigger nostalgic, beautiful memories for you. 

The scent of one of my cashmere sweaters is hands down my favorite memory trigger. I had just had a beautiful day on the Amalfi Coast in Italy: swimming in the ocean, eating linguini and clams, and basking in the sun. I threw on a cashmere sweater (it belonged to my boyfriend at the time) during our Vespa ride home when it started getting chilly. He loved wearing Elia Parfum, so the sweater was infused with the scent of exotic gardenia and sensual tuberose. I took the sweater home with me after that trip and, whenever I pull it out, it still carries the scent of Italy and Elia no. 1…the perfect reminder of a perfect Italian day. 

8 - How do you feel when you spritz on your favorite perfume?

Like the best version of myself.  I wear perfume as daily ritual. It reminds me what feeling good is all about—it’s about exuding femininity, empowerment, and strength without focusing on how others perceive you.

9 - How do you practice self-care? What other rituals and practices do you believe harness your best energy to put forth in the world and in all you do?

Taking a hot shower! Every morning I wake up and jump in the shower. Afterwards, I meditate, pray, and set my expectation for the day. Whenever I’m in a bad mood or agitated, I’ll take a moment to pause, literally wash away what my struggles are, and emerge like a fresh canvas with a new perspective. My mood changes instantly after I rinse off, and I’m ready to take on whatever comes next!   

10 - There’s so much going on right now in the world—what’s your preferred way to unwind?

Meditating, working out, cooking, walking my dog, reading, or visiting with friends and family. I have a strong group of women I get together with every Monday night—we sit down and talk about life, love, and the challenges we are facing. I am in constant awe of what can happen when women support other women.

11 - Favorite words to live by?

If you’re not having fun, why are you even doing it?! Life is short and unexpected…if there’s anything I’ve learned along the way is that we need to have fun with whatever we’re doing. 

Know an inspirational woman you think we should profile? Email us at