How Elia No.1 was created

There’s no secret our debut scent No.1 is undoubtedly number one! I wanted to let you in on the creative magic that went into creating this beautiful and intoxicating scent that launched Elia Parfum in August of 2020.
Before the pandemic my life consisted of fashion, friends and fit modeling. One of my fit modeling accounts was Splendid and the creative director wore this perfume that would delight your senses as it waft through the halls. When I describe this woman and her essence there’s one word… fierce! Her outfits were immaculate and she always wore a new designer. Her presence attracted attention and she lead her team with love and creativity. I always loved when she came into the fittings because I was fully embraced by her scent - everyone wanted to be around her! I bought her perfume immediately and started layering it with my Chanel scent - the rest is history.
After the first couple times of wearing this mixture around my boyfriend (at the time) he started complimenting me more and became much more cuddly. Two of my girlfriends bought the exact same perfumes and started wearing them out- one is married now. However, it wasn’t until a dinner at the Cannery when 6 different people followed me through the restaurant to ask what scent I was wearing that got me thinking. I knew it was a special scent but this was more like magic.
I found a chemist in the area and we started breaking down the different components of each scent and built it back up again from scratch - using only CLEAN ingredients. It took 4 years of testing but we finally captured the intoxicating aroma that has every one of our customers covered in compliments! I still remember calling my sister with tears of joy when we approved it.
If you haven’t tried the notes in Elia No.1 - what are you waiting for? The mini parfum gives you a generous portion with over 200 sprays and free shipping. We donate 10% of the sale to combat human trafficking and help survivors in their recovery. The scent is more than pretty on the outside, she’s beautiful on the inside too! ;)